Noul regulament F-Gas II introduce un mecanism complet nou care vizează reducerea treptată a a agenților HFC până în 2030 pentru reducerea emisiilor de gaze fluorurate cu efect de seră. Această reducere treptată, numită "faza de scadere" are un impact important asupra industriei termodinamice, care trebuie să se adapteze rapid la modul în care utilizează gazele fluorurate.
The unmissable "Voiles du Froid" sailing event took place from 5 to 7 June this year in the sunny waters of the Mediterranean. 19 teams from all over Europe were there to hoist their sails and set a course for Ile des Embiez.
Leak detection is one of the main changes since 1st January 2015 that has affected equipment owners, service engineers and installation technicians.
Already required under F-Gas I for systems with a load of more than 300 kg, fixed gas detectors are now mandatory under the revised F-Gas regulation (EU 517/2014, known as F-Gas II, articles 4) and 5) for systems with a load of more than 500 tC02-eq.