Installed by Safriclim for Les Salaisons du Mâconnais, an 8,200 m3 LT cold room operating with two identical devices, one using Performax® LT, and the other using R-404A. An opportunity to compare the performance of the 2 fluids.
As part of the expansion of the Leclerc hypermarket in Querqueville, France, Gouville Froid SAS was entrusted with the design of the refrigeration system as part of a renovation project.
Giraudet, the quenelle maker located at Bourg- en-Bresse in eastern France, has opted for a new indirect refrigerated production system to replace its R- 22 installation This choice is fully in line with the company‘s environmental policy.
The Hungarian government has launched various calls for tender for the renovation of residential buildings built with energy-saving industrial technologies. Within this framework, the Hungarian authorities are encouraging the installation of infrastructures to renovate and modernise systems and equipment designed to increase renewable energy use in residential buildings.
SPIE, a specialist in electrical and mechanical engineering, air conditioning, industrial refrigeration, communication and infrastructure, is responsible for maintaining the refrigeration unit of this fruit co-operative in Ille-sur-Tet (Southern France).
The CIAT Group, through its subsidiary CRISTOPIA Energy Systems, has designed and implemented an HYSYS and Pole Energie systems demonstrator with CRISTOPIA STL thermal energy storage in its recently renovated buildings in Vence, in the south of France.