SPIE, a specialist in electrical and mechanical engineering, air conditioning, industrial refrigeration, communication and infrastructure, is responsible for maintaining the refrigeration unit of this fruit co-operative in Ille-sur-Tet (Southern France).
The CIAT Group, through its subsidiary CRISTOPIA Energy Systems, has designed and implemented an HYSYS and Pole Energie systems demonstrator with CRISTOPIA STL thermal energy storage in its recently renovated buildings in Vence, in the south of France.
With its constant aim to innovate, the family firm Valentin Réfrigération adopted this refrigerant fluid with low GWP to reduce the carbon footprint of an industrial cold storage installation.In the course of April 2012, Valentin Réfrigération, based in Rodez in south-west France, produced a cold storage plant on behalf of the haulage company Galtier, whose corporate headquarters are in Roquefort.